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来源:https://www.zuixianya666.com/  日期:2021-09-25
Many people don't know the therapeutic effect of duck meat. Duck meat is a delicious food, suitable for nourishing, and is the main raw material of all kinds of delicious dishes. The ancients said: duck meat is beautiful, and even domestic chickens like to eat it.
Duck meat is not hot because of its peaceful nature, and it is high in fat but not greasy. It is rich in protein, fat, iron, potassium, sugar and other nutrients. It has the effects of clearing heat, cooling blood, eliminating diseases and keeping fit. Different kinds of duck meat have different therapeutic effects.
Green headed duck meat: it can facilitate urination, tonify the kidney and consolidate the foundation. Often eat diuretic detumescence. It has a good therapeutic effect on all kinds of edema, especially pregnancy edema. Pregnant women with a history of chronic nephritis often eat it, which can effectively protect their kidneys.
Black bone ducks, edible black mouths, black legs and black bone ducks can prevent and treat tuberculosis. It can inhibit capillary bleeding and reduce hot flashes, cough, hemoptysis and other symptoms.
Pure white duck can clear away heat and cool blood. People with pregnancy induced hypertension should eat it often.
The duck meat of the old mother can invigorate the body fluid, nourish the deficiency and Yin, and greatly invigorate the vitality. It has a good therapeutic effect on tongue dryness, lip dryness, oral ulcer and so on.
The research shows that the fat in duck meat is different from butter or lard. Its chemical composition is similar to olive oil. It can reduce cholesterol and is beneficial to the prevention and treatment of pregnancy induced hypertension syndrome. Residents of gasne in southwest France are used to eating duck. People here rarely suffer from cardiovascular disease.
Duck has a long and flat mouth, a long neck, a flat body and small wings. Its belly is like the craftsman's part of a boat, which is conducive to floating; Ducks are sociable, unable to fly and good at swimming. They feed on Cereals, vegetables, fish, shrimp and insects. They are one of the poultry.
The above is the knowledge about Zuixian duck provided by Xiaobian. Please continue to pay attention to our website for more wonderful content: https://www.zuixianya666.com