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来源:https://www.zuixianya666.com/  日期:2021-09-29
Xiao Bian told you before that Shandong cuisine is more powerful than before. You will be intoxicated and have a good aftertaste with just one bite. What is it? Its name is "Zuixian duck"! Just listen to the name of the food. This food can make you feel like you're drunk. Some people will say: Xiaobian, it's just a duck. Is it really that good? Not to mention, it's really not like Beijing roast duck or soy sauce duck. This dish is very special. If you don't say much, Xiaobian will directly share the practice of drunk immortal duck with you to ensure that you drool after watching it.
Let Xiaobian introduce you to the basic knowledge about the nutrition of duck meat. In the materia medica, it is called "immortal bird" and called "hundred bird head", and the word "duck" for short is composed of "a" and "bird", which are called class a birds. Eating duck meat can and tonify deficiency.
接下来弄一下准备材料,做醉仙鸭要用到上好的鸭肉,大部分都会选择优良的白条鸭,还有茶油、蒜、酱油、豆瓣酱甜面酱等二十多种中 草药,对,没错,你没看错,是中 草药!中 草药,草 药文化更是有几千年的历史流传。
Next, get the preparation materials. Making Zuixian duck requires high-quality duck meat. Most of them choose excellent white striped duck, as well as more than 20 kinds of Chinese herbal medicines such as tea oil, garlic, soy sauce, bean paste and sweet noodle sauce. Yes, you are right. It is Chinese herbal medicine! Chinese herbal medicine and herbal medicine culture have been spread for thousands of years.
随着人们生活水平提高,它已经被运用到生活的很多方面,不止治病这一个功能,做美食更是秘 密 武器,怎么也模仿不来。在菜品中加入重要,绝了!还有就是烹饪鸭肉时使用茶油再加上中 草 药,口味简直无可挑剔。
With the improvement of people's living standards, it has been applied to many aspects of life. It is not only the function of curing diseases, but also making delicious food is a secret weapon, which can not be imitated. Adding importance to dishes is absolutely! There is also the use of tea oil and Chinese herbal medicine when cooking duck. The taste is impeccable.
总之醉仙鸭由几十种中 药精心选料,科学配方,而且还要定时腌制,高温油炸而成的,做出来的菜品香气扑鼻,色鲜味美,吃起来外脆内嫩,香酥爽口,食用后既消化健脾开胃、强筋壮骨又有美容养颜,抗 衰 老多种功效。何乐而不食呢?
In short, Zuixian duck is made of dozens of traditional Chinese medicine, carefully selected materials, scientific formula, regular pickling and high-temperature frying. The dishes are fragrant, delicious, crispy and refreshing. After eating, they not only digest and invigorate the spleen and appetizer, strengthen muscles and bones, but also have many effects of beauty, beauty and anti-aging. Why not eat?