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来源:https://www.zuixianya666.com/  日期:2024-02-27


What are the key points to master for a Drunken Duck franchise store? The cooked food industry has always been in high demand, and the development of the cooked food franchise market is still fresh in memory. Therefore, the pressure on the cooked food franchise market is also inevitable. If you want to open a good Drunken Duck franchise store, it is impossible to achieve it without precise operational technology


1. What varieties of Drunken Duck franchise stores should have in the market last time, and their saturation level in the market.



2. The situation of my competitors. The secondary competitors are Drunken Duck franchise stores, fast food restaurants, and snack shops. The main thing we need to investigate outside the store is the price and taste, as well as their service; How they attract customers; Where are their characteristics; Their storefront has those that are lacking. Conducting investigations at fast food and snack shops is mainly to understand their operational status! Investigating the situation is very helpful for the positioning of your own store.


3. Investigate the situation of the consumer group. Customers are God, and to serve God well, we need to understand their needs. Conduct a certain survey to understand the customer's tolerance level for the Drunken Duck franchise store.


4. Investigate the situation of different central operated cooked food franchise stores, and understand the secondary dishes they set up, the quality of cooked food franchise store business, and the surrounding commercial districts. The central investigation included driving next to schools and driving next to residential areas; Driving next to the train station, on the snack street, on the pedestrian street, etc. Understanding these situations will greatly assist you in selecting the location for your Drunken Duck franchise store.