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来源:https://www.zuixianya666.com/  日期:2024-02-28

1. 品种定位:醉仙鸭鸭品种定为“切了可食,简单快捷”,将延续了几百年的蘸着酱料烤鸭吃法进行了改变,并采用先进腌制工艺,几十种上成中药调料,加上来自山东纯天然樱桃谷瘦肉型鸭,二者珠联璧合,彻底改变,以往的八品不均,实现了色美观,外酥里嫩,骨酥肉烂,口味适中,香气逼人,回味悠长等特点。

1. Variety positioning: The variety of Drunken Immortal Duck is defined as "cut and edible, simple and fast". It has changed the eating method of dipping roasted duck in sauce, which has lasted for hundreds of years, and adopts advanced pickling technology. There are dozens of traditional Chinese medicine seasonings, and the pure natural cherry valley lean meat type duck from Shandong. The combination of the two completely changes the previous eight grade imbalance, achieving beautiful color, crispy outside and tender inside, crispy bone and rotten meat, moderate taste, strong aroma, and long-lasting aftertaste.

2. 名称定位:"醉仙鸭“看似简单,却蕴含了深厚的文化底蕴,具有浓郁的文化风格,顺应名声传播,加上绝美口味,声名远扬。

2. Name positioning: "Drunken Immortal Duck" may seem simple, but it contains a profound cultural heritage and a rich cultural style. It conforms to the spread of fame, coupled with its exquisite taste, and enjoys a great reputation.


3. 价格定位:醉仙鸭鸭价格定位为工薪阶层,经济实惠,普通吃得起,营养美味,高档人群愿意吃,满足不同消费群体的需要,迅速建立庞大的消费群体。

3. Price positioning: Drunken Immortal Duck is positioned as a salaried class, economically affordable, affordable, nutritious and delicious. High end consumers are willing to eat it, meeting the needs of different consumer groups and quickly establishing a large consumer group.

4. 选址定位:醉仙鸭鸭在选址定位前要经过严格深入市场调研,充分了解人流客源,位置,交通,环境商圈等各种情况和因素,做到全方位多角度,周全化,立体化的掌握。

4. Location positioning: Before selecting a location, Zuixian Duck needs to undergo strict and in-depth market research, fully understand various situations and factors such as passenger flow, location, transportation, environment, and commercial district, and achieve a comprehensive and three-dimensional grasp from multiple angles.

5. 形象定位:醉仙鸭鸭形象具有自己独特风格,为自己量身定做形象VI系统,使醉仙鸭鸭所有的连锁店都能保持视觉、风格统一,增加消费者心中品牌形象

5. Image positioning: The image of Drunken Duck has its own unique style, and a tailored VI system is designed to ensure that all chain stores of Drunken Duck maintain visual and stylistic consistency, increasing the brand image in the minds of consumers

6. 服务定位:醉仙鸭鸭,虽然是外卖快速食品的T型店面,但服务是高标准化的,高质量化的,给人以亲人般的服务,顾客在购买的全过程都会受到服务员热情,亲切,周到,高效的优质服务。

6. Service positioning: Drunken Immortal Duck, although it is a T-shaped fast food delivery store, the service is highly standardized and high-quality, providing people with family like service. Customers will receive enthusiastic, friendly, thoughtful, and efficient high-quality service from the waiter throughout the entire purchase process.