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来源:https://www.zuixianya666.com/  日期:2024-02-23

比例:以 15 千克鸡锁骨为单位。

Ratio: In units of 15 kilograms of chicken collarbone.


Orleans marinade: 1 kilogram

玉米淀粉:1.5 千克

Corn starch: 1.5 kilograms

香酥炸粉:360 克

Crispy fried noodles: 360 grams


Concentrated fresh fragrance powder: trace amount

酌情考虑添加:日落黄 柠檬黄。(暂时不加,以后经验练好了 觉得颜色想调一下再调。)制作步骤如下:

Consider adding: Sunset Yellow Lemon Yellow as appropriate. (Not for now. After gaining experience, I feel like adjusting the color before making it.) The production steps are as follows:

一:首先,解冻鸡锁骨,然后,清洗修剪干净,用刀或者剪刀,将鸡锁骨一分为二,用漏盆装起来,漏去过多水分,滴水不明显即可。称鸡锁骨 15 千克

1: Firstly, thaw the chicken collarbones, then clean and trim them thoroughly. Using a knife or scissors, divide the chicken collarbones in half and pack them in a leaky container. If there is too much water leakage, the dripping should not be obvious. Weigh 15 kilograms of chicken collarbone

二:称腌料 1千克 加两碗水(浓缩鲜香粉两个手指捏一点点)一起搅拌均匀 倒入一刚才称的 15 千克鸡锁骨中一起搅拌均匀

2: Weigh 1kg of marinade and add two bowls of water (pinch a little bit of concentrated fresh flavored powder with two fingers) to mix well. Pour it into the 15kg chicken collarbone that was just weighed and mix well together


三:称玉米淀粉 1.5 千克倒入二 称炸粉 360 克倒入二 搅拌均匀(现在可以控制加水多少 即看不到干淀粉,捞起来不会流很多水即可) 放置两小时即可拉出去卖了

3: Weigh 1.5 kilograms of corn starch and pour 360 grams of fried flour into the second batch. Stir well (now you can control the amount of water added, so dry starch cannot be seen and won't flow too much when scooped up). After two hours, it can be pulled out and sold


4: After boiling the oil pot, fry the chicken collarbones for a while, observe the surface color and take it out and place it on a large plate. Wait for the customer to buy it and weigh it. (This step should not be taken for too long to avoid losing moisture and affecting profits)

五:客人购买时,称好重量,再次加入油锅中炸至熟香位置。(约4—5 分钟左右),捞起时,根据客人需要可以,撒辣椒粉和孜然粉,参考烧烤撒料。在餐盆中翻簸均匀。装袋收钱。OK。

5: When the customer makes a purchase, weigh it and add it to the oil pan again until it is cooked and fragrant. (About 4-5 minutes), when picking it up, sprinkle chili powder and cumin powder according to the customer's needs, refer to barbecue seasoning. Shake evenly in the bowl. Bag and collect money. OK.


Spicy Chicken Shark Bones

原料/鸡叉骨3000克 ●调料/色拉油、酱卤水、甜面酱、叉烧酱、虾油、白糖、味精、八角、花椒粒、桂皮、香叶、丁香、葱姜块各适量 做法 1?将鸡叉骨洗净控干水分,下入倒有色拉油的锅内走油待用。2?卤锅上火倒入酱卤水,调入甜面酱、叉烧酱、虾油、白糖、味精、八角、花椒粒、桂皮、香叶、丁香、葱姜块熬至浓稠,下入鸡叉骨卤制45分钟,浸泡30分钟,捞起改刀盛在盘内上桌即可。大厨小窍门:鸡叉骨不宜选用肉质太厚的进行制作,反而成品后口味不够香美,走油不要时间过长,变色即可。

Ingredients/3000 grams of chicken bones ● Seasoning/Salad oil, sauce brine, sweet noodle sauce, barbecue sauce, shrimp oil, white sugar, monosodium glutamate, star anise, Sichuan peppercorns, cinnamon, fragrant leaves, cloves, scallions and ginger chunks, each with an appropriate amount. Recipe 1? Wash and dry the chicken bones, then pour them into a pot filled with salad oil and let the oil run. 2? Heat up a braised pot and pour in soy sauce and brine. Add sweet flour sauce, barbecue sauce, shrimp oil, white sugar, monosodium glutamate, star anise, Sichuan pepper, cinnamon, fragrant leaves, cloves, and scallions and ginger until thick. Add chicken bones and marinate for 45 minutes, soak for 30 minutes, remove and knife, serve on a plate. Chef tip: Chicken fork bones should not be made with meat that is too thick. On the contrary, the taste of the finished product is not fragrant enough. Do not let the oil run for too long, just change color.


Spicy smoked chicken fork bones

原料/鸡叉骨3000克,辣椒片适量:●调料/辣卤水、精盐、鸡精、白酒、黑胡椒粉、香料包(八角、山柰、砂仁、白芷、草果、肉豆蔻)、洋葱各适量 做法 1?将鸡叉骨浸泡洗净,焯水备用。2?卤锅上火倒入辣卤水,调入精盐、鸡精、白酒、黑胡椒粉、香料包、洋葱烧开,下入鸡叉骨卤熟,捞起待用。3?净锅上火倒入辣椒片烧至冒青烟,架上熏架,放入鸡叉骨,盖上锅盖,小火熏12分钟,取出装盘上桌即可。大厨小窍门:鸡叉骨本身腥味较重,所以焯水后一定要多清洗几遍,在熏的时候,辣椒片要用小火加热,防止糊锅底。

Raw materials/chicken fork bone 3000g, appropriate amount of pepper slices: ● seasoning/hot brine, refined salt, chicken essence, Baijiu, black pepper, spice bag (star anise, kaempferia, amomum, angelica dahurica, strawberry, nutmeg), onion 1? Soak and wash the chicken bones, blanch and set aside. 2? Heat the pot with hot brine, add salt, chicken essence, Baijiu, black pepper, spice packet, onion, boil, add chicken fork bone, marinate until cooked, remove for later use. 3? Heat the wok over low heat and pour in chili peppers until they turn green. Put them on a smoking rack and add chicken bones. Cover the wok with a lid and smoke over low heat for 12 minutes. Remove and serve on a plate. Chef tip: Chicken bones have a strong fishy smell, so after blanching, be sure to wash them several times. When smoking, the chili slices should be heated over low heat to prevent sticking to the bottom of the pot.


Spiced chicken Fork Bone

原料/鸡叉骨2000克 ●调料/白卤水、精盐、鸡粉、料酒、白糖、五香料包、葱、姜各适量 做法 1?将鸡叉骨浸泡洗净,焯水冲洗待用。2?卤锅上火倒入白卤水,调入精盐、鸡粉、料酒、白糖、五香料包、葱、姜烧开,下入鸡叉骨卤熟,捞起改刀盛在盘内上桌即可。大厨小窍门:鸡叉骨里面的五香料包口味要重些,也可以在市场选购配制好的料包进行卤制,口味也很好。

Ingredients/2000g chicken bones ● Seasoning/white brine, refined salt, chicken powder, cooking wine, white sugar, five spice packs, scallions, ginger, each with an appropriate amount of recipe 1? Soak and wash the chicken bones, blanch and rinse for later use. 2? Add white brine to the pot over high heat, add salt, chicken powder, cooking wine, white sugar, five spice buns, scallions, and ginger, bring to a boil, then add chicken bones and marinate until cooked. Remove and transfer to a knife, then serve on a plate. Chef tip: The five spice packs inside chicken bones have a stronger flavor, and you can also choose pre prepared ingredient packs in the market for braising, which also have a good taste.


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