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来源:https://www.zuixianya666.com/  日期:2023-12-11


Drunken Immortal Duck does not differentiate between soft fried and hard fried. This difference is only because many so-called Drunken Immortal Duck franchises produce ducks that are both soft and hard fried. Therefore, today we will distinguish between soft fried and hard fried Drunken Immortal Duck.


Soft fried Drunken Immortal Duck is not considered authentic. Many Drunken Immortal Duck teaching institutions teach that it looks similar, first simmering the duck with ingredients and then frying it in high-pressure oil.


The recipe for soft fried duck should be:



Slap both sides of the duck meat with the back of the knife, cut it into rolling knife pieces, and marinate with salt, sugar, cooking wine, and MSG for later use; Wet the egg with starch and mix it into egg paste powder. Wrap the soaked meat in a thick paste.


Heat up the wok, pour in oil and heat up. Add the meat pieces one by one and fry them until crispy. Remove and drain the oil onto a plate. Serve with a small plate of Sichuan pepper and salt.


Hard fried Drunken Immortal Duck:


Compared to soft fried Drunken Immortal Duck, authentic Drunken Immortal Duck is harder after being cooked, crispy on the outside and tender on the inside, and has a much better taste and taste. Drunken Immortal Duck is not something that can be made by filling a pressure cooker with oil. In fact, mastering the heat is very important. The production time and pressure control are all commercial level information. Many Drunken Immortal Ducks cannot grasp the essentials of teaching, and the methods taught are not very promising for producing Drunken Immortal Ducks.


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