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来源:https://www.zuixianya666.com/  日期:2023-12-22


1. First, prepare a 4-pound duck, take a pot for marinating the duck, clean the duck feathers, and remove the internal organs from the duck's belly for marinating.

2. 先将鸭子洗净晾干再腌制!(洗的时候要特别注意鸭鼻子里面的脱毛蜡等残留清理干净!)

2. Wash and air dry the ducks before marinating! (When washing, pay special attention to cleaning up the residue of hair removal wax and other substances inside the duck nose!)

3. 腌制鸭子:放入盐25-30克,放入姜末15克,下入葱末10克,下入秘制料酒30克,和匀后里外擦遍鸭子全身,并按摩10分钟!将盐及其他配料溶化成盐水卤,把肉浸泡在盐水中,多余的酒渣和盐姜渣全部倒入鸭肚子里!还有鸭嘴也别忘了灌点进去!冬天腌制12个小时,夏天腌制6个小时。


3. Pickled duck: Add 25-30 grams of salt, 15 grams of ginger powder, 10 grams of chopped scallions, and 30 grams of secret cooking wine. Mix well and rub the duck's entire body inside and outside, then massage for 10 minutes! Dissolve salt and other ingredients into brine, soak the meat in brine, and pour all excess wine residue and salt ginger residue into the duck's stomach! Also, don't forget to pour some duckbill in! Marinate for 12 hours in winter and 6 hours in summer.

4. 将腌制好的鸭子洗净,下入开水中焯水,保持水90度左右不开的状态,别把油煮出来!注意不能盖锅盖。焯水目的: 去异味!

4. Wash the marinated duck, blanch it in boiling water, keep the water at around 90 degrees Celsius and do not boil out the oil! Be careful not to cover the lid of the pot. The purpose of blanching water is to remove odors!

5. 经过这三个步骤腌制的鸭子,腥味和异味全消除,腌制出的成品肉质鲜美,清香扑鼻。渗透快,腌制均匀,剂量准确。

5. After these three steps of marinating ducks, the fishy and unpleasant odors are completely eliminated, and the resulting meat is delicious and fragrant. Fast penetration, uniform pickling, and accurate dosage.