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来源:https://www.zuixianya666.com/  日期:2023-03-22
Clean the chicken fork bones, and then refer to small pieces of equal size for short. Then control the moisture content. It does not need to be too dry, as long as it does not flow downward.
Then prepare a plate, add all the marinade prepared on it, pour in a bowl of clean water, and stir evenly. At this time, add water as appropriate according to the consistency. Then add the chicken fork bone, and grasp it evenly. If you see any paste hanging on the chicken fork bone, it will not flow. Let stand and marinate for 2 hours.
Prepare a pot of oil and heat it to 60% heat, about 180 degrees. Fry the chicken prongs in the pan. Be careful to break them up with chopsticks in a timely manner and not let them stick together. After about 30-50 seconds, the surface of the chicken prongs will be fried and shaped, and the color will appear light golden yellow. You can remove and control the oil.
Wait until the chicken prongs are cool, then heat the oil to 70% heat. Double fry the chicken prongs in the pot, about 5-7 minutes before removing them. At this time, the color of the chicken prongs is golden. According to taste preferences, sprinkle various sprinkles, and shake evenly.
Speaking of why to re fry, the first time to fry is to set the shape and lock in the moisture inside. After a second frying, the water inside will be fried out, and the taste will become more delicious, but the weight will be much lighter. "If you buy one jin and give half a jin as a gift after the second frying, it would be a big loss.".