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来源:https://www.zuixianya666.com/  日期:2023-03-17
鸡叉骨清水泡1个小时换水 再泡1个小时后直到洗到水清即可放到漏勺控干水
Soak chicken prongs in clear water for 1 hour, change the water, and soak for another hour. After that, wash until it is clear, and then put it into a colander to control the drying
Pickling: A spoonful of salt (according to the usual cooking habits), Haitian delicious soy sauce, cooking wine, pepper noodles, Haitian oil consumption, scallions, ginger, chili noodles (depending on personal taste can not be placed), all with the chicken fork bones in a container with your hands (remember to wear disposable gloves) to grasp well, be sure to use your hands to grasp Oh, this is good taste! Cover and marinate with plastic wrap for half an hour to 1 hour (please refrigerate in the refrigerator when the room temperature is high)
把两匙玉米淀粉 和适量面粉与腌制后鸡叉骨拌匀,做这步的同时把锅里倒入半锅油(2斤)吧,只要能让鸡叉骨飘起来的样子就好,中餐不像西点那样拘束,可以随意根据情况而定哦。
Mix two spoonfuls of corn starch and a suitable amount of flour with the marinated chicken prongs. While doing this, pour half a pot of oil (2 jin) into the pot. As long as it can make the chicken prongs float up, it's good. Chinese food is not as restrictive as Western food, and you can freely choose according to the situation.
油温大约七八成热时一个个的放入鸡叉骨,一次不要放很多,感觉正好在油上飘着一层的样子就好。。全程中火即可(经验丰富的可以中大火),不要小火,,炸制都飘起来,金黄色,看着熟了,喜欢嫩的可以出锅了,喜欢有嚼劲的可以再炸一会儿,颜色深点了出锅。千万别炸糊了。全部炸熟后,把鸡叉骨撒上孜然粉,辣鸡粉,两只手拿起盆子上下前后反复颠簸均匀即可。香嫩多肉鸡叉骨的做法 步骤
When the oil temperature is about 70% to 80% hot, put chicken bones one by one, and don't put many at a time. It feels like there is just a layer floating on the oil.. Medium heat is sufficient throughout the process (experienced ones can be medium heat), not low heat, and the frying process will float up, golden in color. When it looks ripe, if you like it tender, it can be taken out of the pot. If you like it chewy, it can be fried for a while, and if the color is darker, it can be taken out of the pot. Don't fry it. After frying all the chicken bones, sprinkle them with cumin powder and spicy chicken powder. Lift the bowl up and down with both hands and repeatedly toss it evenly. Procedure for making fragrant and tender pork fork bone of chicken
有了鸡叉骨学习培训上面的小总结,希望对广大客户有所帮助,如果有什么不理解的或者寻求帮助的请点击我们的网站:https://www.zuixianya666.com  或者来电咨询,我们会尽全力为您解决
With the summary above, we hope to be helpful to our customers. If you have any questions or need help, please click on our website: https://www.zuixianya666.com Or call for consultation, and we will do our best to solve it for you