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来源:https://www.zuixianya666.com/  日期:2022-11-29
We know that Zuixian duck is divided into three processes: scalding, airing and roasting. If it is scalded, it is poured with 100 degrees of boiling water for three times, so that the duck can be fully scalded. Then it is the process of airing the duck. What is the matter when the duck is airing and emitting oil? Here's a short answer.
Air dried duck is an important and indispensable procedure for making drunk immortal duck. Before baking, drunk immortal duck should air dry some skin moisture at low temperature, so that the roasted duck will be tender and crisp! If there is no air dried duck, its skin is tender, and the meat will be exposed when roasted. After air dried, the skin of the duck will be thick and tight. When roasted, the skin of the duck is complete, tight and shiny, and the color is even.
Generally, there is a duck drying room to dry the water inside and outside the duck skin, and closely connect the skin with the subcutaneous connective tissue to thicken the skin, so that the baked duck skin can be crisp and keep its original shape, and the chest will not be deflated and sagged during baking. The adobe shall be dried in a cool and ventilated place, instead of being dried in the sun, to prevent the skin from flowing oil and affecting the quality, so as to achieve the effect of adobe drying.
In addition, depending on the season, the time for drying the billets is also different. The drying time of the billets shall not exceed 6 hours in summer and 24 hours in spring and autumn. The slabs shall be dried in a cool and ventilated environment without any heating equipment.
As a craftsman of drunk immortal duck, you should always observe the duck billets. If there is "sweat" (oil spill) on the surface of the duck billets, you should quickly put the duck billets into the cold storage, which is a precursor of the deterioration of the duck billets. Unbaked duck billets cannot be hung next to the Zuoxian duck stove.
What's the matter with the oil from the dried duck? The above is the answer to the question. You can come to our website if you have any questions or needs https://www.zuixianya666.com Message consultation!