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来源:https://www.zuixianya666.com/  日期:2023-09-07
The special feature of fried chicken collarbone is that the meat is crispy and crispy along with the bones, and the more chewed it becomes, the more delicious it becomes. Therefore, when making fried chicken collarbone, if it is only meat, it cannot achieve that special taste. Therefore, we specifically use chicken collarbone to make fried chicken collarbone. This part is where the bones are connected to meat, and there are also many crispy bones, which make the fried taste very good
Chicken collarbones, if produced in large quantities, are mostly frozen products that can be purchased at any farmers' market. When buying chicken collarbones, it is important to choose the ones with more meat on them, in order to create a better taste.
The raw materials also do not require special treatment. If you buy them back, soak them in water to thaw. The thawing process can be changed to water once or twice to accelerate the thawing speed. After thawing, we can soak them in water for a period of time, which helps to soak out some of the frozen blood and water. After that, we need to clean them several times. If you don't know what it is, use a knife to cut it off and make finished products. Chicken collarbone ingredients should be clean
The process of making fried chicken collarbone is not complicated, but each step has its own requirements. Firstly, the pickling process. If cured well, the taste will be better. Therefore, pickling is now very convenient. You can buy ready-made marinade in the market to marinate, or you can make your own marinade at home. Today, we will discuss the pickling formula from two aspects: the commercial version and the home version.
Fried chicken collarbone commercial version marinated formula:
Based on a standard of 30 pounds of fried chicken collarbone, 1000 grams of Orleans marinade, 1 spoonful of concentrated fresh flavored powder, and 30 grams of fried chicken marinade flavored powder are required for pickling
Pickling method: Clean and dry the fried chicken collarbone and place it in a larger bowl. Then mix all the marinade together and pour it directly into the fried chicken collarbone. Mix well (so that each piece of chicken has marinade), seal with cling film, and then refrigerate and marinate for about 12 hours in a preservation cabinet. In winter, it is also possible to leave it in a normal environment
Fried chicken collarbone home made version marinated formula:
White sugar, 20g starch, 50g monosodium glutamate, 3g white pepper, 15g chicken powder, 13g onion powder, 13g garlic powder, 60g sweet pepper powder, 125g edible salt, and an appropriate amount of water
Pickling method: In a clean large bowl, put white sugar, monosodium glutamate, white pepper, chicken powder, onion powder, garlic powder, sweet pepper powder, and edible salt into the bowl. Stir well, add an appropriate amount of water, and then add starch. Stir well, pour the chicken ribs directly, and then stir well before leaving to marinate.
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