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来源:https://www.zuixianya666.com/  日期:2022-09-14
Is there anything particular about eating drunk immortal duck? In fact, it is necessary to eat drunk immortal duck in the right season, and bad season will affect the taste. Especially in winter, spring and autumn, it is better to eat roast duck.
Ducks in winter and spring are fat and tender; In autumn, the sky is high and the air is cool, and the temperature and humidity are particularly suitable for making roast ducks. At this time, the ducks are also relatively plump. In summer, the climate is relatively hot and the air humidity is relatively high. Beijing duck meat is less fat and thin, and the quality is poor. The roasted duck skin is not crisp, and the taste is relatively poor.
If the roast duck slices are good, they will make the dishes look beautiful and taste better. After the roast duck is roasted, the skin and meat should be sliced and put on a plate for food before the duck breast collapses. At this time, the duck meat tastes crisp and delicious. There are also ways to slice ducks. First, you should slice the duck skin while it is hot. At this time, the duck skin is crispy and delicious; Then eat duck meat, which will make it thin and unbreakable.
There are three types of condiments for eating roast duck, each of which has different flavors and needs to adapt to different guests' tastes.
The first is to add some scallions with sweet flour paste, and then add some cucumber strips or green radish strips, etc;
The second kind: garlic puree with soy sauce, or cucumber or green radish strips. Garlic puree has a delicate taste, a little spicy, and can also relieve greasy, which is very popular;
The third way: sweet food with white sugar as the condiment. If customers don't like onions and garlic, they can choose the third way. The first condiment is now more commonly used, and the sweet sauce is better produced with "Six Dwellings", so it tastes more authentic.
There are two kinds of food commonly used to eat drunk immortal duck, one is lotus leaf cake; The first one is hollow sesame sesame sesame pancake. The lotus leaf cake can be uncooked two pieces at a time. Each piece is smeared with sweet flour paste, and then put green onion, cucumber strips, and roast duck slices, or smeared with some garlic, soy sauce, and cucumber strips, and then put the roast duck slices into a roll to eat.
Is there anything particular about eating drunk immortal duck? You can refer to the above explanations, and more about the food can come to our website https://www.zuixianya666.com Consult.