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来源:https://www.zuixianya666.com/  日期:2022-08-06
Duck meat is a delicacy. It can be made into roast duck, pressed duck, crispy duck, duck bone soup, fried duck slices, fried duck strips, fried duck heart flower, coriander duck liver, braised duck paw and other excellent dishes. Duck meat is suitable for nourishing and is the main raw material of various delicious dishes.
Duck meat and bamboo shoots are stewed together, which can treat hemorrhoid bleeding of the elderly. Therefore, the people think that duck is the "holy medicine to replenish deficiency and labor". Fat duck can also treat senile pulmonary tuberculosis, diabetes, spleen deficiency and edema, chronic bronchitis, dry stool, chronic nephritis and edema; The male duck treats tuberculosis and diabetes.
The meat of the male duck is slightly cold, and the meat of the hen is slightly warm. The best medicine is old and white, white and black. Stewing the old and fat duck with sea cucumber has a great nourishing effect. The stewed duck juice is good at nourishing the Yin of the five viscera and the heat of asthenia.
The duck meat is cold, sweet and salty. It is mainly used to replenish the deficiency and labor, nourish the Yin of the five viscera, clear the heat of deficiency and labor, replenish blood and water, nourish the stomach and generate saliva, relieve cough and self alarm, and eliminate snail accumulation. People with obesity, arteriosclerosis and chronic enteritis should eat less; It is not suitable for cold patients.
The fatty acids in duck meat have low melting point and are easy to digest. It contains more B vitamins and vitamin E than other meat, which can effectively resist beriberi, neuritis and various inflammation, and also resist aging. Duck meat is rich in nicotinic acid, which is one of the two important coenzymes of human meat and has a protective effect on patients with heart diseases such as myocardial infarction.
The main ingredient of Zuixian duck is stuffed duck. This is because the stuffed duck has the advantages of short feeding time, fast fattening, distinct fat and thin, thick subcutaneous fat, fresh and tender, and no smell and no acid. It is an ideal raw material for making roast duck.
There are two kinds of food commonly used to eat roast duck, one is lotus leaf cake; One is hollow sesame seed cake. The lotus leaf cake can be divided into two pieces. Each piece is coated with sweet flour paste, and then put green onion, cucumber strips, (or green radish strips), roast duck slices, or coated with garlic paste, soy sauce, cucumber strips (or green radish strips), and then sandwiched with roast duck slices.
Zuixian duck can be eaten in a variety of ways. Generally, the whole roast duck is cut into clove shaped slices with a knife while it is hot. The slices have skin and meat, and then dipped in sweet sauce, added with scallion, and eaten with lotus leaf cakes. Take a proper amount of roast duck meat slices, cucumber shreds and scallion shreds and put them into the pancake skin, roll them into a stick shape, and dip them with sweet flour sauce.
Is it good for you to eat drunken fairy duck? How to eat? The above is the content of the question explained for you. If you have any other ways to eat, you can come to our website at any time https://www.zuixianya666.com Share and exchange.