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来源:https://www.zuixianya666.com/  日期:2023-12-08


Undoubtedly, chicken bones are naturally made from chicken. The chicken clavicle, also known as the trigeminal bone, is the part of the chicken clavicle. If you go to the market to buy chicken and ask the merchant to handle it for you, you can pay attention to the area below the chicken neck. Chicken fork bone, it is the bone that connects the root of the chicken wing, and a chicken has two pieces. When eating, it is often fried, so the most popular way to eat it is to fry chicken bones.


Moreover, chicken bones are usually stored and sold in a frozen manner, with a particularly long storage period and a very low price, making them the preferred snack. Chicken bones, also known as "chicken collarbones," are a part of the chicken rack. These ingredients are generally stored and sold in a frozen manner. The advantages of frozen food are convenient storage, long storage period, and relatively low price, It's much cheaper than cold fresh meat.



1. Protein


Chicken bones are rich in protein, with about 20 grams of protein per 100 grams of chicken bones. Protein is an important nutrient in the human body, which can maintain normal physiological functions, promote muscle growth and repair.


2. Calcium


Chicken bones are rich in calcium, with approximately 100 milligrams of calcium per 100 grams of chicken bones. Calcium is one of the important minerals required by the human body, which can promote bone growth and repair, and maintain bone health.


3. Phosphorus


Chicken bones are rich in phosphorus, with about 200 milligrams of phosphorus per 100 grams of chicken bones. Phosphorus is one of the important minerals required by the human body, which can promote bone growth and repair, and maintain bone health.


4. Iron


Chicken bones are rich in iron, with about 1 milligram of iron per 100 grams of chicken bones. Iron is one of the important minerals required by the human body, which can promote blood circulation and prevent anemia.