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来源:https://www.zuixianya666.com/  日期:2022-12-29
Do you know what are the key points for the operation of Zuoxian Duck? In fact, for the sake of personnel safety and equipment integrity, this problem needs to be understood in a timely manner. The following sections will explain it to you.
(1) It shall be compatible with the applicable three-phase power supply. Drunken duck machines generally use three-phase electricity. For ordinary household electricity, it can't meet the needs. You can ask an electrician to help you transform them. For gas and electric machines, gas is connected to liquefied gas. You should understand the requirements for reforming.
(2) When frying ducks, you should first put your body down and put the neck and above of the duck outside. The reason for this is that the neck of the duck is easier to ripen than the abdomen. If the duck is put in the oil pan together, the part will be burnt black, which is not conducive to the overall aesthetic display.
(3) When the oil temperature meets the requirements, it can be continuously fried, and the oil in the tank will keep rising. It is necessary to fill the oil frequently to keep the oil in the tank of the drunken duck stove balanced and not overflow.
The special machine of Zuixianya needs safe operation. I explained it from three aspects. I hope to give you some help. More relevant information can be found on our website https://www.zuixianya666.com Look!