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来源:https://www.zuixianya666.com/  日期:2023-02-06
1、 Difference between profit and gross profit
Many restaurant owners still can't distinguish between gross profit and profit, and even think that gross profit is profit. So this leads to problems when they adjust the cost of dishes. In fact, the difference between the two is not difficult.
利润是 后赚到手里的钱,而不是菜品售价减去菜品成本的钱。所以我们在调整菜品价格时,要把人工、房租、水电煤气等费用全部考虑进去,不要光考虑原料和售价这两个因素。
Profit is the money earned later, not the price of dishes minus the cost of dishes. So when we adjust the price of dishes, we should take into account all the costs of labor, rent, water, electricity and gas, not only the raw materials and the price.
2、 The essence of small profits and quick turnover
Behind the low profit and high turnover is the reduction of single product profit. However, the labor cost has not changed, which has led to a decline in the "labor cost margin". That is, the output of the same labor costs has decreased, so the total revenue is unlikely to rise.
3、 How to build a good relationship with customers
Most of the profits of the catering industry come from 20% of repeat customers, and the sales generated by old customers are more than 15 times that of new customers. Therefore, the focus of restaurant should be on how to maintain old customers, not how to find new customers.
Of course, this does not mean that it is not necessary to find new customers, but that it is necessary to put the maintenance of old customers first.
Only by understanding these basic concepts can the catering boss grasp the key points and apply the right medicine to the case in case of problems, so as to better manage in actual operation!