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来源:https://www.zuixianya666.com/  日期:2021-09-07
Pickled vegetables are salty, fragrant and delicious. It can be said to be a good home appetizer, but there are some confused concepts in making pickled vegetables. We need to distinguish them first. Many people may not understand the difference between "sauce" and "brine":
Sauce and brine are cooked food processing methods often used in cooked food stores. When it comes to sauce and brine, many people will think that the two are almost the same, because there are many names of "sauce brine". However, after subdividing from the aspects of material selection, workmanship and materials, there are still great differences between sauce and brine. Today, let's talk about their differences.
Sauce and brine are two operations. There are three points in different places: the cooking methods of sauce soup and brine are different, the use of spices is different, and the choice of raw materials is also different. Sauce is generally used in the north, and brine is more used in the south, so there is a saying of "South brine North sauce".
1: In terms of materials. Sauce method only uses raw materials, which is generally limited to livestock meat raw materials and viscera. The materials used for brine are very diverse, which can be used to brine raw materials or clinker, and the ingredients that can be used for brine are very diverse. In addition to livestock meat and viscera, they can also be poultry eggs, bean products, vegetables, seafood, fungi, etc.
Cooked food franchise
2: In terms of spices and spices. The spice commonly used in soy sauce soup is the basic spice, which is relatively simple. 7.8 kinds of spices commonly used at home can be used, mainly highlighting the flavor of soy sauce; The spices used in boiling brine are very complex. In addition to the conventional spices, they often add herbs such as citronella, Pinus koraiensis, paicao, lingcao and some traditional Chinese medicine to increase aroma, eliminate differences and enhance taste. Huadiao medium sweet Baijiu sauce is the simple sauce, sauce and chicken essence. The seasoning of brine is relatively complicated. Besides salt, sugar and chicken essence, it also adds liquor, cooking wine, flower carving wine and fermented grains according to the different ingredients of brine, and it will use different spices according to the different ingredients.
3: In terms of flavor. The flavor of soy sauce soup is relatively single, that is, the smell of salty and fresh sauce. Brine is divided into white brine, red brine, yellow brine, spicy brine, oil brine, pickled pepper brine, wine brine and so on. According to different seasonings, it presents a richer taste.
The above is the difference between "sauce" and "brine" in the production of pickled vegetables. Generally speaking, the sauce is more homely, while the brine is more professional, and the operation process is relatively complex. I believe that through the introduction of the halogen Three Kingdoms Xiaobian, we have distinguished and understood the concepts of the two.
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