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来源:https://www.zuixianya666.com/  日期:2023-12-13


Chicken fork bone refers to the clavicle part of chicken, also known as the trigeminal bone. It connects the chicken wing roots to the lower part of the neck, with two pieces on each chicken body. Chicken fork bones have an excellent taste and are one of the more nutritious parts of chicken.


Chicken fork bone is a bone located in the upper back of a chicken, connecting its two wings. The specific location is the sharp protrusions on both sides of the chicken dorsal bone. Although there is very little meat in this area, chicken bones have rich nutritional value.


Chicken bones are rich in collagen, which is the main component of skin, bone, and joint tissues. It can help maintain healthy skin and bones, and also help alleviate joint pain.



Chicken bones also contain abundant phosphorus and calcium, which are essential elements for human bones and teeth, and can help enhance the health of bones and teeth.


The collagen and bone collagen in chicken bones can stimulate metabolism, promote skin cell renewal, help delay skin aging, and make the skin smoother and tighter.


Chicken fork bone is also a good heat clearing and heat reducing ingredient, which can be used to make soup or stew chicken, which is beneficial for clearing toxins in the body and enhancing immunity.


When cooking chicken bones, you can choose to simmer or steam them over low heat to fully release their nutrients. Meanwhile, it is recommended to add some ingredients during cooking, such as red dates, goji berries, ginger slices, etc., to enhance the nourishing effect of chicken bones.


Chicken fork bones can not only be used for cooking food, but also as a material for handicrafts, such as making chicken bone carvings, string beads, etc.


When purchasing chicken bones, it is important to choose fresh, brightly colored, and odorless products to ensure their quality and nutritional value.