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来源:https://www.zuixianya666.com/  日期:2021-05-20
In summer, the drunk duck, which is cool in nature, will not be too fat and greasy, and will not cause fire and other problems. Duck is a kind of waterfowl, which is cold in nature. According to the principle of Chinese medicine, it is especially suitable for those who are suffering from bitter summer, heat and heat.
Eating duck in summer can not only supplement the excessive consumption of nutrition in the hot season, but also eliminate the adverse effects of summer heat on the human body. It's better to match meat and vegetables. But the fat of roast duck is too high to eat. Today, Xiao Bian will teach you a good cooking method to ensure that the drunk duck is not fishy but more fragrant.
多人对夏季饮食的清补原则存在着片面的理解,认为食素就是清补。其实,清补的重 点还是强调补养,只不过所选择的饮食在补养的同时应兼具解热消暑的 功用,以对抗酷热的气候。这一点对于中老年朋友来说尤为重要,因为人到老年,味觉和嗅觉都会出现退化;夏季食欲进一步减退,如果饮食过于清淡,就会失去胃 口。而一味吃清淡素食,蛋白质和脂肪的摄入不足,势必就会削弱机体的抵抗力。
Many people have a one-sided understanding of the principle of clearing and tonifying summer diet, and think that vegetarian diet is clearing and tonifying. In fact, the focus of qingbu is still on tonic, but the diet you choose should have the function of relieving heat and relieving heat at the same time, so as to fight against the extremely hot climate. This is particularly important for middle-aged and old friends, because in old age, taste and smell will degenerate; Summer appetite further loss, if the diet is too light, will lose appetite. And blindly eat light vegetarian, protein and fat intake is insufficient, is bound to weaken the body's resistance.
According to Chinese medicine, duck meat tastes sweet and salty, and its nature is cool. It enters the spleen, stomach, lung and kidney channels. It has the functions of "nourishing the Yin of the five zang organs, clearing the heat of deficiency and labor, nourishing blood and water, nourishing stomach and body fluid, relieving cough and constipation". Eating duck meat can relieve heat and nourish yin, invigorate spleen and remove dampness, and replenish deficiency and damage, so duck meat is a good tonic in summer.
Duck meat is nutritious, especially suitable for heart disease patients, cancer patients and patients after radiotherapy and chemotherapy. It can be used for insomnia due to yin deficiency, cough due to lung heat, edema due to nephritis, unfavorable urination, dry stool and low fever.