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来源:https://www.zuixianya666.com/  日期:2021-05-18
It's suitable to eat duck in the hot and dry season in autumn. A crisp and fragrant Zuixian duck is a good choice. In contrast, pigs, cattle, sheep and other meats are slightly inferior. The fat of duck is very healthy. Duck meat is rich in B vitamins and vitamin E, and its fatty acids are mainly unsaturated fatty acids and low-carbon saturated fatty acids, which are easy to digest.
Duck is rich in nutrition. It not only enjoys the reputation of "the best food in Beijing is better than duck", but also is praised by the Institute of traditional Chinese medicine: "nourish the Yin of five zang organs, clear the heat of deficiency and labor, replenish blood and water, nourish stomach and generate body fluid...".
In particular, when the new duck was raised in autumn, its meat was strong, tender and plump, rich in nutrition, and could timely supplement the protein, vitamins and minerals needed by the human body. At the same time, duck meat is cold and cool, especially suitable for those who are hot, so duck is the first choice for autumn diet.
What are the benefits of eating drunk duck in autumn?
1. Go to autumn dryness
Duck meat is sweet, cold, nontoxic, tonifying internal deficiency, disinfecting heat and benefiting water channel. It can be used for headache, insomnia due to yin deficiency, cough due to lung heat, edema due to nephritis, adverse urination and low fever. Eating duck meat often is beneficial to weak Yin deficiency, edema, less food, dry stool and low fever. Therefore, summer and autumn hot and dry season is very suitable for eating duck.
2. Tonifying qi and tonifying deficiency
Most of the food ducks eat is aquatic organisms, so its meat is sweet and cold. It enters the lung, stomach and kidney channels, and has the functions of Tonifying the deficiency of labor, nourishing the Yin of the five viscera, clearing the heat of deficiency of labor, nourishing blood and water, nourishing the stomach and promoting fluid, relieving cough and self convulsion, eliminating snail accumulation, clearing heat and strengthening the spleen, weakness and swelling, etc; It is used to treat body weakness, body deficiency after disease, malnutrition and edema.
3. Nourishing Yin
The meat of male duck is slightly cold and that of hen is slightly warm. It is better to be old and white, white and black. Stewing the old and fat duck with sea cucumber has a great tonic effect. The stewed duck juice is good at tonifying the Yin of five zang organs and the heat of deficiency and tuberculosis.
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